1. Introduction
Artificial intelligence is changing our lives. Self-driving cars, language translators, and Open AI's Chat GPT are becoming so useful that we can't get away from them. An AI chatbot is software designed to simulate a conversation with a human user through a messaging interface. It uses natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning algorithms to understand and respond to user questions. Everyone is expecting the medical version of Chat GPT to make our lives easier.
The global medical chatbot market size was estimated at $787.1 million in 2022 and is expected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 23.9% from 2023 to 2030. Medical chatbots are designed with a similar UI to Chat GPT, where users ask questions and receive specialized medical answers tailored to their queries. By integrating data into the chatbot technology, both healthcare providers and general users are able to interact in a new way with chatbots to help each other.
Because of this synergy and demand, the user's conversations are augmented by a more powerful dataset, and the chatbot service can be delivered as an optimized, personalized solution.
Medical chatbots are great for solving users' small problems and questions. This is because we may encounter small situations that make it difficult to run to a doctor immediately, such as changing face color or swollen legs, and we always have questions about our health status.
Among them, the first functions of the medical chatbot that will be activated are answers to everyday medical questions, skin and beauty questions and solutions. We look in the mirror, meet people, and socialize every day. Everyone, young and old, is interested in their appearance, such as wrinkles around the eyes, hair, eyelids, chin, etc. because they want to have a healthier appearance and beauty. In addition, clues related to diseases are signaled in everyday life even in small questions. Medical chatbots will go beyond simple search results provided by search engines and become comprehensive medical dapps that breathe with users and naturally integrate into their lives.
The model of the newly developed medical version of GPT 'MAI' is built on resources and basic data sets utilizing crypto, blockchain technology, and technologies common and popular in the Web3 market, and the Web3 ecosystem will be further developed with the participation of users. By introducing the practical and convenient medical consultation function of the medical GPT 'MAI' and the 'Web3' ecosystem, we aim to provide new medical services.
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